
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Global Alert News - 08.18.18
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Wednesday Aug 08, 2018
Dane Wigington
Breaking dire headlines about the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment are pouring in from so many directions that it is impossible to cover all the incoming reports. The heat, fires and constant smoke canopy in Northern California are relentless. The Carr fire is only one of dozens burning in the Western US, in many parts of the planet the wildfire situation is the same. Without enough functional habitat the human race will not survive, how long can the current trend continue? What will be the response of global governments to all that is unfolding? The August 4th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Global Alert News - 07.18.18
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Will social media providers continue to ramp up their censorship until a totalitarian state prevails? How many in industrialized nation populations are willing to look beyond the power structure's orchestrated political theater of the absurd? How many are willing to face the wider horizon of what is unfolding around us? Will it take total unraveling of the current paradigm to wake the majority from their denial? How close might biosphere and societal collapse actually be at this point? Our seas are dying and even now marine ecosystem protections are being systematically dismantled, why? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Global Alert News - 07.11.18
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
How many actually want to know the truth about climate engineering and rapidly accelerating biosphere collapse? How bad is it? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Global Alert News - 07.05.18
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Over a half century ago former president Lyndon Johnson (vice president at the time) stated: “he who controls the weather, controls the world”. But what about the consequences of climate intervention programs? Few yet understand the gravity and immediacy of what is unfolding by the day, the latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Global Alert News - 06.27.18
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Many would, of course, rather listen to feel good news stories that do not have any bearing on the rapidly increasing challenges that are closing in on us all. But how can we deal with dire realities unless we are willing to fully face them? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Global Alert News - 06.20.18
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
So many breaking dire headlines about the rapidly deteriorating state of the environment are pouring in that it is impossible to cover and comprehend all the incoming reports, but we must try just the same. What will be the response of global governments to all that is unfolding? The June 16th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Global Alert News - 06.13.18
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
Wednesday Jun 13, 2018
To control the flow of information is to control public opinion. How extreme must media censorship become before populations begin to understand many or most of their opinions were crafted for them? What are the latest breaking headlines from the front lines of the biosphere? What “predictions” are being made about the coming Atlantic hurricane season? What are the claims about who is using the weather to their advantage? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Global Alert News - 06.06.18
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Our government continues to do anything they want to the climate, and the planet as a whole. The push to saturate the biosphere with highly destructive 5G transmissions is the most recent alarming example. 5G frequencies are also used for crowd control. Is the power structure preparing for what they certainly know is inevitable? Unfolding global chaos? Mass methane release from numerous locations around the globe are also a rapidly growing existential threat. We are again being warned about new pathogens being released from thawing permafrost. Are these bio-threats really coming from nature? Processes have been set in motion that cannot just be turned off, the equations we collectively face on countless fronts has long since gone exponential. As resources dwindle, and populations are forced to face reality, the current paradigm will shift. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday May 30, 2018
Global Alert News - 05.30.18
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Wednesday May 30, 2018
Social media employees are finally beginning to protest against what they are being asked to do by the expanding police state. When will US military personnel refuse to participate in the global havoc they are currently helping to fuel? Accelerating climate collapse and related geopolitical conflicts are finally forcing many to wake up to unpleasant realities. Can we consider this a silver lining to all that is unfolding? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday May 23, 2018
Global Alert News - 05.23.18
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
How many can cite verifiable facts to back up their opinions and conclusions? How many are looking through a completely colored lens of preconceptions, programmed ideology, and herd mentality bias? How much longer can the current course continue before the human race hits the wall at full velocity? The collective insanity that currently runs and rules the world continues to metastasize even as they are also increasingly infighting amongst themselves. Headlines of “it’s far worse than previously predicted” are coming in from all corners of the environmental front, and even now the majority of the masses are entertained and distracted by every imaginable form of power orchestrated structure theater. Biosphere collapse will force the hand of the most dangerous power centers on the planet. Which countries and governments are the most dangerous and out of control? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.