
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Global Alert News 12.20.23
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
"It is time to consider giving the planet some sunblock", "It is time to consider tweaking the clouds to cool the planet", both statements are headlines from economist.com. Now lets add this science report title from Science Daily, "Superglue for the atmosphere: How sulfuric acid increases cloud formation". Exactly how many forms of toxic elements are being dispersed into our skies with virtually no environmental impact reviews or public disclosure? How many have yet summoned the courage to even want to know? How much more can the planet's life support systems take before total breakdown?

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Global Alert News 12.13.23
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
The US Navy War College is promoting a seminar titled "Geoengineering the Earth's Climate", yet official sources and matrix media both try to marginalize any public discussion of this most dire issue. The ongoing COP 28 global climate conference is being seen as the smoke and mirrors facade that it is. A recent geoengineering patent promotes the spraying of highly toxic dimethylamine into our skies to enhance cloud formation. At ground level, "Thousands Of Tons Of Dead Fish Wash Ashore In Japan" shortly after the mass release of Fukushima waste water. Toxic skies, toxic seas, toxic everything, how much longer can we survive on a dying planet? Is there still time to turn the tide?

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Global Alert News 12.06.23
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
"Climate engineering may be the least worst climate solution", so says a new report from CleanTechnica. After over 75 years of climate intervention operations, clearly, the CleanTechnica conclusion couldn't be further from the truth. A new U.N. report headline has just stated "science points to climate collapse", but the climate engineering component in the equation is, of course, never mentioned. A new Weather Channel report asks "Do Changing Temperatures Make You Sick?" Would it be more appropriate to ask if it's what is in the changing weather that's making us sick? For the record cloud seeding fall out from climate engineering operations are contaminating our precipitation. This isn't speculation, it is a lab testing proven fact. And above it all the deterioration of the ozone layer continues to accelerate as new reports have just confirmed. How long till impact?

Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Global Alert News 11.29.23
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
World's largest tropical wetland becomes an inferno" with 2387 fires in the first half of November alone, the global burning continues unabated. "Ozone hole largest on record over past 3 years", exactly as Geoengineering Watch has stated on the record over and over while the "climate science" community has formerly denied this rapidly worsening existential threat. If or when a functional collapse of the ozone layer occurs, terrestrial life on Earth will end. Record heat waves and devastating drought followed by flash flooding and flash cool downs, all is being further fueled by climate intervention operations. Has misused technology already determined the fate of the human race? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Global Alert News 11.21.23
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Conflict, contamination and complete collapse, all the wheels are now in motion. "Microplastics In Clouds: Shock Scientists And Ignite Concerns". "Clouds Are Filled With Microplastics, Perplexing And Concerning Scientists". New headlines addressing our toxic particle filled skies just keep coming, though the whole of the so called climate science community is still pretending they are clueless. Weather modification patents specifically call for "cross-linked polymers", a.k.a. microplastics. Patent # US6315213B1 is one example. We are now being told that a "Dangerous Factor X Could Be Lurking In Earth's Ice" and that "zombie viruses" are "waking up". Is this narrative just another smoke screen to cover the tracks of biological warfare? How long till we hit the wall at full velocity? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Global Alert News 11.15.23
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
We need geoengineering", so says a Time Magazine report as they push for climate engineering operations that have already been deployed for over 75 years with catastrophic consequences. "Thunderstorm asthma" is sending thousands to emergency rooms, what is being seeded into these storms? Extreme droughts are hammering all the Middle Eastern countries that are not cooperating with US "foreign policy". Just a freak coincidence of nature that just happens to completely benefit the western power structure? Bloomberg news has just reported that as many as half of US and Canadian citizens may lose power this winter due to grid shutdowns. Is this just a prediction? Or what is scheduled? Temperature and weather whiplash scenarios are worsening by the day, climate intervention operations are inseparable from all of it. How long till cascading collapse goes exponential?

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Global Alert News 11.07.23
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Waging world war while global ecological collapse goes exponential, what could go wrong? Stock markets are worried about their bottom line of profit, though sooner than almost any dare to imagine the next bite of food will be the biggest priority. From Fox News: "Deadly Bomb Cyclone Slams Europe". From Science Alert: "Extreme Storms Now Breach Worst Case Scenario". Droughts, deluges and dirty water, all are wreaking havoc on flora, fauna and people, climate intervention operations are further fueling the entire scenario. Is there still enough time to alter our current course before impact?

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Global Alert News 11.01.23
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
From engineered weather to engineered insects, we are now paying the price for interfering with nature. "CDC Warns Tropical Flesh-Eating Parasite Is Now Endemic In Texas", are genetically modified sand flies the source? From CNN news, "Hurricane Otis Devastates Acapulco". From FOX news, this headline, "Acapulco has been destroyed". Scientific American is telling us that the catastrophic category 5 hurricane that inflicted mass destruction to Acapulco, "came out of nowhere", but is that the truth? The so called climate science community apparently doesn't have any clue about how this could happen. What was predicted to be only a tropical storm suddenly became a devastating category 5 hurricane that delivered a direct hit on Acapulco. This self declared ignorance from the so called experts also applies to their ongoing denial of the shockingly obvious climate engineering operations taking place in our skies. For the record, the US military has been developing technology to manipulate hurricanes for over 76 years starting with Project Cirrus in 1947 and later Project Stormfury in 1962. Welcome to the world of weather and biological warfare.

Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Global Alert News 10.25.23
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Control the weather, control the world. The existence of weather warfare isn't a conspiracy theory, it is a matter of historical record. Project Popeye in the Vietnam war is but one example. Yet, even now, the mere mention of the climate engineering subject triggers programmed knee jerk reactions of denial in far too many. For decades such operations have been used covertly to impact agricultural production and societies, available data indicates that these practices are now more widespread than ever before. How long do we have till the breaking point of total climate collapse?

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Global Alert News 10.18.23
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Biosphere collapse and global conflict are inseparable. As Geoengineering Watch has stated on the record for many years, once the gravity and immediacy of unfolding global ecological implosion became all but impossible to hide the controllers would play ever larger cards and indeed they are. Bioaccumulative microplastics and heavy metals are now in our air, water, and food. Environmental studies on the ubiquitous contamination of the planet and the collapse of it's life support systems are pouring in from countless science sources, the current paradigm can no longer be maintained. All the while the spraying of our skies with climate engineering elements rages on and is accelerating, is there any place left to hide?