
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Global Alert News - 05.16.18
Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018
New studies now prove that the percentage of autism cases increase in direct proportion to the quantity of vaccines administered, this should not come as any surprise. Covert biowarfare against unsuspecting populations has always been a part of the equation for heavily militarized nations. Complex and resource intense societies are becoming increasingly unmanageable and unstable (largely due to accelerating biosphere implosion), power-brokers will play out their final hands. Events unfolded last week that were a culmination of power structure planning all the way back to the years just prior to the 911 false flag attacks. Where do we go from here? What is the greatest challenge we collectively face? The psychopaths in power who are wreaking havoc all over the globe? Or, is our greatest challenge the so far willfully blind completely complacent majority of the population that seems to feel no responsibility to whole? The May 12th installment of Global Alert News is below

Wednesday May 09, 2018
Global Alert News - 05.09.18
Wednesday May 09, 2018
Wednesday May 09, 2018
What is the truth? What are the lies? How are each rapidly determining our collective futures? How can we have any chance of deciphering truth from lies unless or until we are willing to honestly investigate? The biosphere implosion cannot be hidden for much longer which makes the power structure more dangerous than ever. From the 911 attacks to wars of aggression in the quest for resources, those in power have been preparing for what they knew was coming for a very long time. What haven’t we been told by the power structure controlled mainstream media? Who is really pulling the strings and why? What is the end game? The latest installment of global alert news is below.

Wednesday May 02, 2018
Global Alert News - 05.02.18
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
The human race must untether the natural world from its global onslaught of countless destructive activities if nature and the web of life is to have any hope of surviving. Technology (and those who worship it), cannot save us from ourselves, that is collectively up to us. Are major environmental organizations truly committed to the greater good of the biosphere as a whole? Or are they often little more than false fronts that mask total hypocrisy? Could climate engineering lead to war? Has this already been the case? Based on international surveys, which countries are considered the greatest threat to international peace? How desperate will the power structures of these countries become as a wider awareness of their actions (past and present) grows? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Global Alert News - 04.25.18
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
Wednesday Apr 25, 2018
How much longer can the majority of industrialized / militarized societies hide from reality? Not long. Foundations of power structures are fracturing from every direction, many critical issues are finally beginning to come to light. Though this is, in many ways, a leap in the right direction, it also leads to unbridled desperation on the part of those who wield power. Are radio programs on the political left or right mentioning anything about the most critical threats we face? No. A week after America’s latest illegal and unjust bombing of a sovereign nation (Syria), how many Americans even remember? How many care? Regions of South America are sliding toward chaos, has US mainstream media said a word? The US Air Force is desperately trying to put nearly 200 additional jet aircraft tankers into service. Is this for the purpose of increasing the ongoing toxic atmospheric spraying to even more extreme levels? How much longer can the biosphere and the web of life sustain the assault? Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Global Alert News - 04.18.18
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Wednesday Apr 18, 2018
Biosphere collapse will push power structures to total desperation. As has been stated so many times on the Global Alert News hour, the rapidly unfolding implosion of the global climate and countless ecosystems, along with the quest for remaining resources, is (and will continue to) fuel unbridled aggression from military industrial societies like the US and it’s allies. So far the vast majority of first world populations (whose lifestyles depend on the constant looting, plundering, and pillaging of resources from other countries) have shown little to no concern over the barbaric behavior of their “governments”. False flag events and narratives are used as a pretext for aggression by hegemonic powers. When those narratives fall apart (as was occurring with the “Skirpal” incident), a new pretext for aggression is created (the latest factless chemical attack accusations against Syria). Is America the greatest threat to world peace? Polls overwhelmingly say yes. In this broadcast, an extremely important press release on the progress being made to expose the truth about 911, the most glaring false flag event of them all. As the truth on many fronts becomes all but impossible to hide, our government is doing all it can to monitor anyone who dares to tell it. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Global Alert News - 04.11.18
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
We are all swimming in a toxic sea of contamination from countless sources, there is no truly organic anything at this point. A new report further confirms the health threats posed to commercial flight passengers (and crews) from toxic air. As the oceans acidify, are the geoengineers going to propose converting every ship on the planet into tankers in order to fill the seas with alkalizing lime? Are ever increasing climate engineering operations really holding off the “super greenhouse effect (SGE)”? Or is the global geoengineering assault actually pushing us toward an “SGE” scenario? Land degradation is already impacting nearly half of the planet's population, how long till the food supply chain in the US is affected? The power structure push toward WWlll continues, why do the majority of populations seem unable to recognize the converging catastrophes that are closing in with blinding speed? A report on the human brain sheds light on this question. The April 7th installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Global Alert News - 04.04.18
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
On a recent interview from New Zealand a front-line climate researcher has given an update on the severity and immediacy of our collective fate on a dying planet. Is he telling the whole truth? On the opposite side of the spectrum, Brietbart "News" is telling us that air pollution and chemicals like DDT are not harmful. Does humanity's propensity toward denial have any limits? Western power structures are continuing to provoke other world powers in what appears to be an increasingly desperate attempt to trigger global conflict. Diminishing global resources are the bottom line in the equation. DC officials are "flocking" to "Doomsday Camps", what do they know that they are not disclosing to the public? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below

Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Global Alert News - 03.28.18
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
The self-destructive behavior of the human race (with some exceptions) has long since manifested into countless catastrophic consequences that are now closing in from every direction. Even now denial and apathy are still alive and well within the ranks of the masses. This is especially true with first world populations who have thus far been largely insulated from the harsh realities less fortunate populations have long since endured. Some within the halls of academia are finally admitting to the severity of threats we collectively face, but are still blatantly lying about the immediacy of those threats. New studies now admit that toxic nanoparticles in the environment are infiltrating into the very core of the web of life. Climate engineering is by far the greatest source of nanoparticle contamination, there is no place to hide. Is the military industrial complex preparing to initiate their final options? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Global Alert News - 03.21.18
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Wednesday Mar 21, 2018
Will the climate engineering terrorists hammer the US east coast with a 4th engineered winter weather event in a row? The 4th such event in just over 2 weeks? We are now being told that a new pathogen, “disease X”, may soon decimate global populations. Will the global power brokers soon choose to unleash all out biological warfare against populations? As the biosphere implosion continues on course, so does the climate engineering denial within the ranks of academia. On Thursday, March 15th, I participated in 2 separate debates on the climate engineering reality (one scientist was from the University of Ottawa, the other scientist was from Cal-Tech). The videos of these debates will be posted on Geoengineering Watch soon.
A new report now asks the question, “should climate change be called murder”? Highly toxic and destructive climate engineering programs likely killed even more than climate change alone, and yet the ongoing geoengineering insanity is completely omitted from the mentioned report (and all others like it). What can we collectively do to force the truth to the full light of day? The latest installment of global alert news is below.

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Global Alert News - 03.14.18
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
The weather makers continue to fully unleash their fury on the planet, further fueling accelerating climate chaos. Rapidly unfolding weather events and scenarios around the world will soon make climate engineering denial all but impossible to maintain even for the most programmed individuals in society. The parade of completely engineered East Coast “winter storms” has continued along with the associated weather whiplash. The climate engineers have dealt a severe blow to agriculture in the US West and Europe, how much will harvests be impacted? As the biosphere goes, so must industrialized / militarized society. When will the power structure instigate global conflict as their final option? When will the majority of the masses finally connect the dots? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.