
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Global Alert News - 05.04.22
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
New reports on global air quality paint an increasingly dire picture for humanity. The ongoing climate engineering atmospheric aerosol spraying goes unmentioned even though it is mathematically the single greatest source of atmospheric fine particulate pollution. India's wheat crops have been fried by an unexpected record heat wave. Was this just an act of nature? Or is there much more to the equation? The Amazon rainforest is being cut down at the fastest rates ever recorded, how much longer till nothing is left? What part is climate engineering playing in the demise of all remaining habitats? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Global Alert News - 04.27.22
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Power structures are doing their best to further fuel crop collapse all over the world. Constant contamination and overexploitation continue in our oceans, fisheries are collapsing. Our once lush forests are dying and incinerating. From the formerly blue skies to the ground, industrialized militarized "civilization" is laying waste to our once thriving home. What part is the climate intervention insanity playing in this entire equation?

Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Global Alert News - 04.20.22
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
The pendulum of engineered weather and temperature extremes continues to swing back and forth in so many regions of the world. Climate chaos is inflicting profound damage on ecosystems, food supplies, infrastructure and thus human populations. How much more of the nefarious atmospheric operations can be sustained by societies and the web of life? And even now the climate science community continues to push geoengineering as a way to "reduce human suffering" while pretending such operations are only a "proposal". In how many other ways are global controllers waging covert warfare against populations? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Global Alert News - 04.13.22
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
The entire climate science community continues to discuss and debate the "proposal" of engineering Earth's climate system while simultaneously denying the ongoing reality of it in our skies. The weather makers are frantically whipping up some final end of season flash chemical cool-down "winter weather" events, crushing crop production in the process. Climate engineering operations continue to cut off precipitation from the Western US which is further decimating agriculture. New studies have now confirmed that 99% of the human race is inhaling very "unhealthful" air with every breath we take. Climate engineering fallout is a component of this equation that has yet to be acknowledged. We are far past the breaking point on countless fronts, where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Global Alert News - 04.06.22
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Thursday Apr 07, 2022
Climate engineering continues to rage in skies all over the world, polymer nanofibers are a component of these operations. The science community has now confirmed that microplastics have been found in human blood and farm animals. These puzzle pieces are not hard to connect for any that conduct objective investigation. New studies now also confirm that plastic pollution could "make much of humanity infertile". How well would this serve the objectives of those in power? Engineered winter weather and temperature whiplash scenarios are continuing wherever and whenever the climate engineers have compatible conditions for carrying out the highly toxic chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations. In the meantime the weather makers are relentlessly cutting off the flow of rain from the Western US. Crop production is being crushed while the stage is being set for yet another summer of record wildfires. What will it take for a greater percentage of the population to look up and connect the dots? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Global Alert News - 03.23.22
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Flash floods, flash freezes and flash droughts, is weaponized weather being used to control the masses? While big pharma continues to advocate for even more "boosters" and the Ukraine conflict continues to benefit the military industrial complex, biosphere collapse is accelerating by the day. Last week temperatures in Antarctica were recorded at 70 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. In the western US drought is becoming more catastrophic by the day. In other regions of the US engineered winter "weather whiplash" is becoming the norm. We are now in truly uncharted territory, how close is impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Global Alert News - 03.16.22
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
The walls are closing in by the day while most remain distracted, divided, polarized and completely asleep at the wheel. The climate engineers continue to dry and fry the US West while portions of the country further east are yet again being pounded with another weather whiplash flash freeze. Crops are being decimated, infrastructure is being damaged, the web of life is imploding and still the majority turn two blind eyes to the climate intervention operations in our skies. The human race has been very poor stewards of the planet, climate engineering is the most devastating example. Will power structures utilize global conflict as a premise to play their final cards? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Global Alert News - 03.09.22
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Those who rule from the shadows are now more desperate and dangerous then ever before. The global controllers are well versed at altering the narrative, they have been doing so at will for decades. Any and every time power structures feel they need to further distract and divide the masses, a new chapter is commenced. A coordinated effort from corporate media enhances the impact of the newest chapter of the script, and the planetary Truman Show continues to play out. Through it all, countless converging covert onslaughts are carried out, from the clouds to the ground. Increasing droughts, deluges, wildfires, pandemics, global conflict, the list goes on and on. Are populations finally beginning to suspect the orchestration from those behind the curtain of propaganda, lies and deception? Do we have enough time left to pull the curtain back and correct our course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Global Alert News - 03.02.22
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Global power structures are more desperate and dangerous than ever before, unfolding and accelerating ecological collapse is further fueling that desperation. Behind the curtain of conflict between nations, covert cooperation continues on core issues like climate engineering, there is no other possibility. The "Department of Homeland Security" now seems to be categorizing as "an enemy of the state" any who dare to voice their opinion about our government, welcome to totalitarianism. The constant parade of completely engineered winter weather mayhem is wreaking havoc on populations in some regions while engineered drought is doing the same elsewhere. How dark will the wider horizon have to get before a larger percentage of the masses wake up to the fact that what we collectively face is nothing short of a fight for life? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Global Alert News - 02.23.22
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Orchestrated winter weather whiplash events are taking a toll on targeted regions of North America, including Ottawa, Canada where the trucker protest is under siege. Record warmth continues in many other locations while much of California hasn't had a drop of rain since last year. The ongoing climate "intervention" operations serve many agendas and objectives for global power structures, what is occurring in our skies is completely connected to what the controllers are carrying out on the ground. As planetary ecological collapse expands and accelerates, those behind the curtain are tightening the noose from every conceivable direction. Can populations be awakened in time to turn the tide of insanity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.