
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Global Alert News - 12.21.22
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Holiday weather, anyone? Geoengineered winter at its finest.
A geoengineered record deep freeze is scheduled to hammer the Eastern US, just in time for the holidays. Increasing warmth and drought through the first of the year is what the weather makers have planned for the US West.
The airline industry has finally acknowledged that "contrails" are a major environmental problem, but the deeper truth on this issue continues to be denied and omitted. NATO has just held it's first round table on "climate change and security", was climate engineering the primary discussion behind closed doors? Are they preparing for climate collapse? Is that a part of the plan?

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Global Alert News - 12.07.22
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
What happened to autumn? From hot to flash freeze, welcome to weather warfare. "Officials fear complete doomsday scenario for drought stricken Colorado River", the same is happening all over the world and this is just the beginning. Moisture that does flow across the Western US is being seeded with chemical ice nucleation elements that reduce precipitation even further. This process creates a cold dense atmospheric air layer that sinks to Earth's surface, temporarily lowering temperatures and often producing frozen forms of precipitation. What is the true cost of the engineered winter scenarios? Have climate engineering operations completely contaminated our snow? Has our air become completely contaminated from the climate engineering fallout? Who is funding the climate engineering Manhattan Project being carried out in our skies? What will be our collective fate if climate intervention operations are allowed to continue? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Global Alert News - 11.30.22
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
Freak snowstorm" hits parts of Texas in spite of above freezing temperatures. Some of the chemically nucleated frozen material fell as far south as the Texas / Mexico border while most of the US was exceptionally warm for this time of the year. The moisture for the Texas "winter storm" originated from the record warm Gulf of Mexico and the record warm Gulf of California. Days earlier a highly sensationalized engineered winter event was carried out near the shores of the record warm Great Lakes. Geoengineering operations encompass much more than just lines in the sky. How blatant and devastating must climate engineering become before more take notice? How badly damaged must the environment be before more realize we can't survive without functional habitat? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Global Alert News - 11.16.22
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
The COP 27 global climate conference is being being carried out in Egypt with government representatives from all over the world in attendance. Are they there to discuss greenhouse gas reductions? Or, in fact, are climate intervention operations the primary focus of the gathering in "behind closed door" meetings? An unprecedented coast to coast engineered cool down is scheduled for the contiguous 48 US states that will make the US the only "below normal temperature" region in the entire northern hemisphere. Is this a climate engineering demonstration being conducted by the world's largest military machine? Is technology going to save us from ourselves at the final hour? Or is it ensuring our common near term demise? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Global Alert News - 11.9.22
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
The climate engineers are currently carrying out a massive chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding cool-down in the western US. Night time temperatures in my location of Northern California were dropped by 30 degrees in a single day. Unorganized moisture flows from the Pacific Ocean are being pumped into northwestern US states. This moisture is being heavily seeded with patented chemical ice nucleation elements which facilitates surface cool downs while drying up much of the rain that should have fallen in the West. Over the next 6-10 days the weather makers are scheduling an expansion of this manufactured surface cool-down that may cover the majority of the US. Though many are now waking up to the climate engineering reality, very few are yet aware of the engineered winter weather scenarios. On the wider weather engineering scenario, crops are being crushed by droughts, deluges and flash freezes. How much longer do we have if we continue on the current course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Global Alert News - 11.2.22
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
The science community has stated "the time for geoengineering is now", while simultaneously denying that climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years with catastrophic results. Crop crushing drought / deluge scenarios are the hallmark of climate intervention operations, both are taking a terrible toll on food production all over the world. Is this just an unintended consequence of climate engineering? Or the actual objective? Given the century long involvement in weather warfare by the military industrial complex, the answer to the former question would seem clear. Will populations awaken to what is unfolding in time to turn the tide? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Global Alert News - 10.26.22
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Flash droughts, flash floods and flash freezes: control the food supply, control the people. The engineered drought in California is turning farm fields and food production to dust. Bone dry regions of the western US were pushing 100 degrees this week while snow was falling at the same latitude in states further east. Similar extreme scenarios are occurring around the world, what's wrong with this equation? The weather makers are forcing the climate system far past the breaking point, if they continue their operations, there will be little or nothing left to salvage. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Global Alert News - 10.19.22
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
A number of governmental representatives are now advocating for nuclear war as being "good for the climate". This should be an extreme red flag warning for us all. Mainstream media has now admitted that wildlife populations are dying off at free fall speed with nearly 70% already gone. As dire as that sounds, the truth is even worse. The collapse of Earth's oceans is occurring simultaneously, the latest published casualty is Alaskan snow crabs. Official sources now admit that a billion of the crabs have gone "missing". The White House has announced that they are considering the option of climate engineering. Hasn't it already been ongoing for over 75 years? How long do we have if we remain on the current course? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Global Alert News - 10.12.22
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
While most are focused on the Hurricane Ian devastation in Florida, a silent insidious cataclysm is taking place in western North America: catastrophic drought. The climate engineers continue to cut off the flow of precipitation from the western US and parts of British Columbia. Meteorologists have named it the "ridiculously resilient ridge", the engineered high pressure heat dome that is turning parts of western North America into a wasteland, including agricultural regions. The same scenario is occurring in European, Asian and African agricultural zones. While so many in the world are struggling to find food, global power structures are making preparations for nuclear war. Populations are beginning to awaken to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent, do global controllers see nuclear holocaust as their last option? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Global Alert News - 10.05.22
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
After passing the peak of hurricane season with almost complete silence, the tables have turned with Hurricane Ian. Are the increasingly anomalous and destructive weather events just random acts of Nature? Or is there much more to the story? US mainstream media is giving almost no coverage of the sabotage on the European gas supply pipelines. Just an oversight? Tens of thousands of empty passenger jets are flying in our skies, why? The world is completely unprepared for what is already unfolding. How bad will it get? How long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.