
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Global Alert News - 3.08.23
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
The manufactured snowpocalypse is wreaking havoc on countless communities and crop producing regions, welcome to winter weather warfare. Many of the locations that are now buried under snow saw temperatures of 80 degrees or more in the days just prior to the commencement of the climate engineering winter weather warfare operations. Matrix media propagandists are pushing the narrative that winter weather whiplash is now normal, natural and something we should expect. How toxic is this chemically frozen material? What are it's characteristics compared to naturally nucleated snow? How will it affect runoff waters, soils, crops and forest health? And all of this taking place against the background of global ecological collapse. What's next? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Global Alert News - 3.01.23
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Major and unusual", that is the term the Los Angeles Times used to describe this week's California chemical snow blizzard. Nonstop engineered winter weather warfare is being waged on the Western US. Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations can and are creating snowstorms out of what would otherwise have been a rain event for many regions. The same operations also produce a cold dense layer of air that settles to the surface, this augments the overall impact and effectiveness of engineered winter weather objectives. The engineered cool-down programs are currently scheduled to continue another two weeks, though the weather-makers can always alter the script. In the southeastern US record high temperatures are pushing 90 degrees. How much further can the climate system be pushed until it completely collapses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Global Alert News - 2.22.23
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Thursday Feb 23, 2023
Extreme and widespread flash freeze surface cool-downs have been scheduled for the western half of the US and the whole of the UK. Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding and atmospheric pressure zone manipulation are core components of the engineered winter weather scenarios. The crop crushing cold has yet again been timed to decimate various forms of agricultural production that bloomed early. In the meantime the southern hemisphere is baking and burning. Climate intervention operations are further fueling a climate collapse "doom loop" scenario even as George Soros tries to convince us that we actually need "weather control" to save us from ourselves. Will instigating global conflict be the final fallback of the now more desperate than ever global controller class? We will soon enough find out. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Global Alert News - 2.15.23
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Scientists" are now proposing to use moon dust to cool Earth, the ranks of academia continue to lose credibility with each passing day. Micro plastic pollution is in every breath we take. Is it all just from decomposing trash? Or is there much more to the story? The US government is handing out 374 billion dollars that it says will create 100,000 new "green jobs", do you believe them? Geophysical anomalies are wreaking havoc on planet Earth and populations. Is it all just nature behaving badly? How much longer can we survive on a completely polluted planet with life support systems that are breaking down at blinding speed? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Global Alert News - 2.08.23
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Record Setting Cold Shocks New York City", this breaking New York Post headline is exactly what the climate engineers and their controllers want. The Post report continues with this: "The Big Apple felt more like the North Pole early Saturday Morning". What aren't matrix media sources mentioning in such sensationalized articles? That the completely engineered short duration flash freeze will be almost immediately followed by a rapid and extreme warm up which is scheduled to extend through most of February. Climate intervention operations are fueling weather whiplash scenarios, crushing agricultural production and contaminating the entire biosphere. What will it take to awaken populations to this covert form of warfare? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Global Alert News - 2.01.23
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US", a new FOX news harbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled for regions of the US. The Weather Channel climate engineering cover-up actors are doing their best to pretend the engineered winter weather whiplash extremes are just an act of nature. Around the world numerous countries are descending into chaos, supply chains are breaking down. Atmospheric and ecological collapse are unfolding and accelerating across the board, but Bill Gates has just announced that "things are only continuing to get better". We are truly living in a planetary asylum, is there still any chance of turning the tide? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Global Alert News - 1.25.23
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Mexico has "banned" geoengineering, do they mean it? Mainstream media is still sensationalizing the "drought busting" California rain and snow, are we being lied to again? "Winter Storm Iggy" was manufactured from Gulf of Mexico moisture, are more winter weather creations being scheduled? Is chemically nucleated "snow" toxic? Are wild fish caught in the US a danger to consume? How long can we survive in a world that is now completely contaminated? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Global Alert News - 1.18.23
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
California "rainpocalypse", is there more to the story? Europe just went through it's warmest winter temperatures in recorded history while locations in Siberia were 80 degrees below zero. What's wrong with this picture? Ocean oxygen levels are dropping fast, fisheries are plummeting and animal populations are collapsing, how much longer can the current trend continue before total collapse? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Global Alert News - 1.11.23
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Extreme weather whiplash is now the norm, how much worse will it get? Mainstream media has been continuously sensationalizing the storms impacting the Western US, how much rain are they going to grant us? The climate engineers can alter the equation any time they want. What haven't Americans been told about Europe's recent record shattering weather? How deep is the deception in the entire weather reporting industry? How much are they hiding? Who are they serving? How long do we have if climate engineering isn't exposed and halted? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Global Alert News - 1.04.23
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Thursday Jan 05, 2023
Record warm to record cold and back again, the climate engineers are completely out of control. Flash freezes are turning to flash warmups, flash flooding, thunderstorms and tornados. Ecosystems and wildlife can't sustain the worsening winter weather whiplash scenarios, forests are dying, insects and earthworms are disappearing and the birds along with them. The Western US megadrought has forced some municipalities to turn treated sewage into drinking water. Now devastating deluge has been scheduled for parts of the West. Fake meat and fake fish flesh are now on the menu as livestock, wildlife and fisheries are all dying off. Will technology magically save us the moment before complete collapse? How's that going so far? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.